
Showing posts from 2014

Bye 2014!

Hi all, Just taking a little time to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy, prosperous and lovely New year! I leave you with a picture of the x-stitch piece I did plan to end this year ... and which will take more then a couple of weeks into 2015! 😉 Enjoy and stay safe! Xxx Ann

Happy birthday to ...

... me! Today I'm not switching the last but the first digit ... ;-). And a couple of interesting things that happened in my year of birth:   I'm not really thrilled because it is a cape that has to be taken. On the other hand ... it's just a number! In my mind I'm still 21 - no make that 25 ;-).   I still need to work today but starting from tomorrow I'm on holiday for two weeks (only returning on Monday 5th of January 2015).   Guess what I'm going to do? Embroider, quilt a little bit on my Dear Jane, stash shopping and doing some excursions (to the sea, Bruges, the zoo in Antwerp, ...). And enjoying the festivities of course (eat and drink to much).   Have a nice day! Ann  

She's finished!

I have stitched and stitched and stitched to get it over and done with and yes ... she's finished ... "Asian Beauty" by Lanarte! I hope mom won't be reading my blog the next couple of days, because I want to return this stitched beauty on Christmas eve. Isn't that a great gift? ;-) Here are a couple of pictures. Sorry if they're a little bit dark but the weather is grey and dull for the moment.     I adored stitching on her. It never became dull due to all those splendid colours on the black background. I'll miss her but on to something else (new)! Who knows ...

Advancing well

with moms "Asian Beauty" (by Lanarte). I soooo love her on the black (can't imagine stitching her on 32-ct - or higher - linnen though :-). In the meanwhile I've already filled in the empty spaces in the "balls" and I'm advancing to the front of the "headdress". And because it's so lovely ... a close-up of the crown: Have a nice weekend!

Libelle Winterfair 2014

Hi all, I neglected my blog the last two weeks due to a lot of different things happening - not bad ... just being busy :-). First there was Halloween, followed by some activities at school and at home, etc, etc ... Sinterklaas came to our town on Saturday 22nd, he also came to my husband's work yesterdag (30th of November) and he'll be coming to our house this Saturday (6th of December) :-). One of his helpers - a "Zwarte Piet" :-) I also decided to go to the "Libelle Winterfair" since it was already 3 months ago (or more) that I visited a fair. It was lovely: lots of stalls concerning fashion, beauty, cooking, ... but a little bit meager on the creative side ... two stalls with wool and one about Pixel Hobby (similar to "Ministeck" but a lot more expensive and for one single use), two about painting and polymer clay and that was it. No cross stitch at all! But I knew that because last year it was the same kind of "mixture...

Cabinet of Curiosities goodies

As some of you may now, I'm subscribed to the online class of the "Cabinet of Curiosities" by Patricia Nguyen (I've blogged about it here earlier). Well ... last week I received the first goodies box carefully packed and filled to the brim. I let the pictures speak for themselves (sorry if they're a tad dark but I took these early in the morning).   I'm eager to start the adventure but it'll have to wait some longer ... I have soo many things on the go that I can't justify to myself starting yet something else.   And ... still unsure if I'll buy a wooden casket at the end of the class (18 months - we're at the 7th now). It's awfully expensive but sooo tempting! Imagine this ... covered with embroidery! ï»ż   Have a nice weekend!

Titanic expo Brussels

Hi all, A couple of weeks ago - on Friday 17th of October to be exact - I visited the Titanic expo which is held - after Chicago, London, Los Angeles, Paris and Amsterdam - in Brussels from May 31st 2014 untill November 30th 2014. Worldwide the exhibit already received 25 million of visitors. In Brussels more than 150.000 persons paid for a ticket. The exhibition features a small extra as it told the story of the Belgians on board - due to the research of the journalist Dirk Musschoot : "27 Belgians boarded the Titanic. It could 've been 29 but 2 passengers were refused in Southampton due to an eye illness ... only 7 survived" We all know how the "unsinkable" ship hit an iceberg on her maiden voyage in the early morning of April 15th 1912. It took 73 years (in 1985) before the wreck was found and now, even more than 100 years later, we are still fascinated by it's history. With a loss of over 1500 persons it is considered ...