La Belle et la Bête

I've always been a fan of "Beauty and the Beast" of which we all know the famous nineties Disney adaptation. Beauty and the Beast (French: La Belle et la Bête) is a 1946 French romantic fantasy film adaptation of the traditional fairy tale of the same name, written by Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont and published in 1757 as part of a fairy tale anthology. Directed by French poet and filmmakerJean Cocteau, the film stars Josette Day as Belle and Jean Marais. This film adaptation of La Belle et la Bete adds a subplot involving Belle's suitor Avenant (a friend of her brother), who schemes along with Belle's brother and sisters to journey to Beast's castle to kill him and capture his riches while the sisters work to delay Belle's return to the castle. When Avenant enters the magic pavilion which is the source of Beast's power, he is struck by an arrow fired by a guardian statue of the Roman goddess Diana, which transforms Avenant into Beast...