Creativa Brussels 2014

Last Saturday (15th) I went to the Creativa fair in Brussels. For me this is one of the most lovely ones in Belgium.

The funny thing is that I saw a huge crowd before entering and I thought "ouch this is going to take a while before entering" but - lucky me - it seemed to be for another fair in another building called "Made in Asia" which involved everything animé cartoons and characters, computer games and other stuff for youngsters ;-). At the opening time whe heard lots of shouting and then we saw a big crowd running to be one of the first at the entry ...

Here's an impression of the day:

The central hallway

Something creative ... but what? To give you a clue ...
Knitted nets!

The future is here : 3D-printing!

Some patchwork ...

 ... and STITCHING of course!
I didn't buy lots of things since I have cardboards full of stuff stash and I just limited myself to two books (Kreuz & Quer and Christiane Dahlbeck), a small booklet by Brin par Brin, 35ct. "crème" Zweigart linnen for my "And They Sinned" sampler and the new 100th anniversary edition of Quiltmania.

I just love German designers ... they always make something colourfull and delicate

"Oisellerie" - Brin par Brin = just perfect for Spring and Easter

I'm going to give a start on my "And They Sinned" today which is the official start of Spring AND the birthday of my grandfather who sadly passed away already to many years ago ... I already could've started this Monday (when I received my fibers) but really wanted to mark this special day on my sampler and no way I was going to cheat :-)!

For those who don't have a clue about how it looks like ... 809 x 169 stitches will be put in it only using Gentle Arts Sampler threads.

And They Sinned
Examplar Dames Design co.
That's it for now!


Brigitte said…
Wow, so many things to discover and to look at. YOu're a lucky girl to have visitede the show.
Keebles said…
Second Brigitte! I SOOO wish we had anything remotely similar to that near here (we don't even have a stitch store close)! You are very lucky!

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