Down - Chatelaine - memory lane

I meant to post this last week but things got very busy (preparing a 3-day stay at Disneyland Paris ... pictures will follow soon) so here is my belated blog post ...

Hi all,

For the Chatelaine Stitcher Bandits I decided to take one of my too long neglected pieces, the Misty Morning Vineyard. I think I didn't stitch on it for at least 5 years.

To again familiarise with the design I studied the charts, descriptions and special features. Can you imagine my shock to see that it dates back from 2003?! I remember it was the first design by Martina that I completely followed (Convent's Herbal Garden was just finished). This makes me wonder about how time flies! ... I first stitched on it when our daughters weren't even born (much more free time :-) and I was in my late twenties ... gosh!

Anyway ... here's some piccies I've taken last week before I restarted the piece. Have fun looking!

In the meanwhile I've finished the other three peacock's tails and I'm still considering if I will be stitching the peacock's "bodies and heads" over one or over two ... 


I'll try to post another update soon!


Melissa said…
I love all the blues, purples, and pinks! I can't wait to see more progress on this one :)
Brigitte said…
All the Chatelaine pieces are real challenges. Great progress on this one.
Stitching Noni said…
What a beautiful design. So pleased that you are stitching in it again :)
♥ Nia said…
Very pretty work :) enjoy your stitching!!

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