Account deleted !!!

Wow, did I have a scare just a quarter of an hour ago ... When trying to access my blog, Blogger told me that my account was deleted due to "unusual activity on my blog" ... what the f**ck???!!!

Luckily for my it didn't take long to solve the problem! I only needed to introduce my telephone number and a verification code was sent.

However ... I don't feel reassured anymore by now!

Did you experience the same thing and so, is it possible making a backup of your entire blog somewhere on your personal computer's harddisk?

Thanks for tips!


Dani - tkdchick said…
I had this happen back in January I think, I went into a total panic! But suddenly my account reappeared I was so upset that I might of lost over 7 years of blogging!!!!
Jess said…
I know about this problem... I think they just want to force us to give our phone number... Who knows?
♥ Nia said…
Same thing happened to me a few months ago! I agrre with Jessica, I think it was a way to get our phone number! There wasn't any other way to solve it, we had to insert the number and then everything was back to normal. I can't find any other explanation!
Anne said…
Oooh! How scary that must have been! Good to hear that it wasn't! But I don't like that you are forced to put in your phone number...hmmm!!
Mii Stitch said…
Might be a good idea to just leave a mobile phone number instead of your private landline one...
Just a thought!
Starting to worry, hope I won't have this problem.

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