Happy Birthday to me!

Today is my 39th birthday! I never figured out whether mom did this on purpose or not ... just before Christmas (my birthday is never celebrated big time)! :-)

I've received some money and a book coupon so I guess I'll do some stash enhancing ... cross stich, quilting or knitting ... what will it be?

I'll keep you posted!


Brigitte said…
Happy birthday, Ann. Whatever you buy with your birthday money, it will brighten your day.
mónica Silva said…
Hello !
Happy birthday Ann:)
Hugs :)
Manuela said…
Happy birthday!

Greetings, Manuela
Unknown said…
Van harte gefeliciteerd !!

groetjes Yvon.
De borduurvrouw said…
Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag. Veel plezier met het besteden van je verjaardagsgeld. Fijne feestdagen! Groeten, Nienke
Happy belated birthday! (My aunt's birthday is two days after Christmas. We all wrap her presents in birthday paper, or else!)
Ineke said…
Belated happy birthday. And merry Christmas to you and your dear ones.
Joysze said…
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, ANN!!! I hope it was fabulous. What did you stash? ;)
Anne said…
Big big HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ann!!! I hope you had a wonderful day!
Carol said…
Happy Belated Birthday, Ann--wishing you a very special year ahead :)
Mii Stitch said…
Happy Belated Birsthday Ann!!! Hope you made your mind up on which to spend your vouchers :)

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