IHSW and Ornament SAL - April 2013

First of all I'm glad with my new followers! It proves that I've got some things to say and show that interest people. LOL!!!

I've been working on a couple of projects in the meantime. First of all I've finished knitting the back part of my eldest DD's dress (see previous message).

I've also started and finished my monthly April ornament. It's a little bit smaller than the other ornaments that I've shown the last months because my other stitching was more time consuming. So here it is ... a "marine" ornament (I've combined two hearts - there are 9 in total - because I liked some parts of the design better than others). I'll be giving this away as a present.

From the booklet "Country Hearts Am Meer" by Acufactum
In the meanwhile my special WDW threads arrived and I was able to stitch some more on the left part (the Van Tassel Farm) of Cricket Collection's "Sleepy Hollow". Unfortunatelly they didn't mention how much skeins are needed for some parts so I'm not able to finish the roof untill I've ordered another skein of "London Fog" - what's in a name! :-(

I will soon start on the "Bewitching Trio" from the Needle's Notion (see previous message). The colours are really beautifull ... partially due to the fact that there are a lot of Weeks Dye Works skeins in this design.

I know what to do the coming weeks and will try to post more often because it isn't fun having a blog and post but weekly (sometimes it's lack of inspiration or always showing the same projects)!


Virpi said…
That ornament looks adorable!
Lynn said…
Your ornament is so unique! I love it!
Sleepy Hollow is looking fantastic too. I love autumn/Halloween designs.
Carol said…
Such a pretty summery looking ornament--that was a great idea to combine portions of the different hearts! Nice progress on SH, too; hope your new thread arrives quickly!
Unknown said…
Love your Heart - I think I need to stitch a Marine Ornament.... Sleepy Hollow - One of my all time favorite stories. Looking forward to seeing even more WIPS
Laura said…
Your ornament is cute, but the Halloween piece caught my eye. I started Sleepy Hollow last year and need to pull it out soon if I want it done by Halloween.
Barbi said…
Such a pretty little ornament! The colours on Sleepy hollow are great too
♥ Nia said…
Your little heart looks lovely! :)
Giovanna said…
What a pretty heart! Congrats on the finish, and nice going on Sleepy Hollow too.
Rita said…
I love the marine heart.
Brigitte said…
Sleepy Hollow is a great project - nice progress on it. Hopefully the missing thread will arrive soon so that you can continue stitching on it.
I love the little heart ornament.
Waseem said…

Hi there! Nice stuff, do keep me posted when you post again something like this! Car diagnosis Maintenance

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