Hop Around the World (blog tour)

Hello all,

Hope your weekend was as sunny and full of activities as ours was :-)

Last week Brigitte asked me if I would be willing to play along and do a blog Hop Around the World. Sure I said (I admit I was a little bit late in answering her - shame on me).

I asked three other ladies. Two of them kindly let me know that they were very busy with family life and other things so they didn't have time - which I completely understand. However, Dani in Canada is willing to play along so feel free to visit her next week Monday. And all the other blogs on the right side of my blog roll are also worthwile a visit :-).

So here it goes ... a couple of questions to answer:

1- What am I working on?
A piece by Lanarte (a Dutch designer) called "Asian Beauty". I'm stitching her for my mom who was afraid to stitch on black. I thought that it was going to be a real PITA but she's coming along fine (I detested stitching with the gold metallic thread but that part is over and done with now :-). Here's a picture:

2- Why do I create what I do?
I've been surrounded by female family members that were creative in their own time (my great-grandmother did bobbin lace, grandmother knitted and my mom and I both love to cross-stitch).
I guess I was destined to have the creative "germs" as well ;-). Although I like to try out other techniques in embroidery (like Richelieu, Bargello, Hardanger, ...) cross stitch will always stay my first love :-). I've also ventured into knitting and quilting so I try to divide my time and do all three - which is sometimes difficult as I have two small children and a household to run :-).

3- How does my creating process work?
Basically I work on the project that interests me at the moment (so working exclusively on Asian Beauty is atypical for me :-). I copy the pattern and mark the pages with a fluo highlighter. I stitch mainly on hand - no hoops for me, although I have a lovely Needlework System 4 stand with different sizes of scroll rods. It just collects dust for the moment :-).

That's it for now! Have fun browsing through my blog!



Brigitte said…
So nice to read your blog hop post and to learn more about you. Isn't it amazing to know how much most of the stitchers and knitters were influenced by crafting women in their families?
Your Asian Beauty is looking gorgeous.
Anne said…
Lovely to read a bit more about you Ann! The Asian beauty is lovely and quite a feat to stitch on black!
Kaisievic said…
Hi Ann, I am a new follower, I came across from Brigitte's blog (I am the one who dobbed her in to do the Blog hop - lol!). Lovely to read about why you stitch and Asian Beauty is stunning.

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