Quiltshop = candy shop

I just realised that I didn't share pictures of a recent (end of January) visited  of "The Potterije" in Lokeren who held their annual (Spring) open doors. Ellie from "Ellie's quiltplace" was there as well to showcase lots of her lovely quilts. She wrote about it here.

It was great to discover this shop again as they refurbished the first floor in 2015 to accomodate more quilts, fabrics, threas, etc.

I've seen much wonderfull things but as one picture tells more than a 1000 words I'll let them speak for themselves ...


 As usual I didn't left empty handed ... the new Tilda book, two patterns from Ellie and a couple of fabrics found themselves miraculously in my bag :-).


Renate Bischoff said…
Thank you for sharing the pictures. That are so beautiful ideas!
Have a nice day!

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