Creativa Brussels

Hi all,

It's been a while - as usual - but here's a new post! ;-)

I recently visited the Creativa fair in Brussels. For me it's one of the best fairs during the year. First of all because the "cold and dark" Winter is over and you feel that spring is in the air (lots of lovely "fresh" designs). The start of a new creative season with plenty of new things to discover ...

Here's an impression of the whole thing ...

Le Comptoir des Fleurettes - Editions de Saxe

Joëlle Tissus - Le Jardin de Nana

Fils a Soso - Babachic 

Neelam - Border Wollie

A lovely display by Azza Créations - interior of a house (4 pictures above)

 And something to cater for the interior (food) and exterior (art)

There was also a lovely display of the prize winning quilts of last years (2015) Open European Quilt Championships. As there were quite some quilts, I'll keep this for the next blog entry (I've taken quite some piccies as I didn't attend last year :-)

And the things I've bought:

At the Quiltmania booth (picture above):

Quiltmania - Ratsburg Road Quilts by Linda Koenig
Quiltmania - Creating Heirlooms - Carolyn Konig

At 't Gaerenhuys - Ghent

I've bought a kit "Les Poissons" from "Un Chat dans l'Aiguille" 
this is the finished example in traditional embroidery

Frühling (Spring) by Christiane Dahlbeck
A lovely book with plenty of Easter/Spring oriented cross stitch designs

Even the weather was in my favour:

Morning - before entering

Afternoon - after quitting the fair

Hope you enjoyed this small visit? :-)

Have a nice Easter holiday (for us - I mean the kids - it's the second week)!


Unknown said…
WOW!!! That must have been Heaven. I have had an opportunity to attend a Fair like Creativa Thank you for sharing your pictures.
Johanna Zweden said…
O deze moet ik in de gaten houden wat een schitterend show, dat mis ik zo in Zweden

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