Long time no see

Well it has been an awfully long time since I last posted here but I switched to Instagram (annsombel) a couple of years back (December 2016 to be exact) as I encountered some problems with posting on Blogspot and I didn't always know what to say.

I kept following all of you who also have Instagram profiles but I admit that I'm missing the rest of you so ... I'll be posting here sometimes (let's say once a month or maybe a bit less) to keep you updated :-).

Summary of what I've been doing in a nutshell (longish text so skip this if you don't feel like it :-): 

Beginning of 2018: Moncarpacho workshop by Willyne Hamerstein
(from her Millefiori Quilts 3 book)

April 2018: start on "Doing the Rounds" by Thimblestitch - more or less halfway through now

2018: working on "Camelot" by Trish Harper - finished in June 2019

July 2018 - October 2018: SAL 100 Modern Quilt Blocks by Tula Pink
(still have to sew all the blocks together but some block changes  are still possible 
- due to me not being entirely happy with some of the fabrics)

October 2018: 2 day workshop @De Quiltster with Margaret Mew 
(in the company of Patty Harants) - start of broderie perse quilt - the one behind Margaret

November 2018: Quilting Design Class workshop by Alexia Rossfelder @De Quiltster

January 2019: Stars upon Stars workshop by Jeanneke.com) -
sadly neglected in the meantime ... I sooo wanna finish this one!

August 2019: Start of Anna Jantina's "bootjes" (or boats). Stayed at one block - 
for the moment - due to all those teeny tiny pieces

August 2019: Tentative start of "Provence" by Véronique (Wattlebird - Australia) 
as seen in Quiltmania nr. 108

November 2019: Fleur quilt by Susan Smith 
workshop given by Margreet Westerhoeve @De Quiltster

November 2019: Friendship quilt by Ellies Quiltplace 
workshop @DePotterije

February 2020: last workshop before the pandemic ... 
Raindrops quilt (Millefiori Quilts 4 book) by Willeyne Hammerstein @QuiltshopLeur

March 2020: cancelled workshop Sew Together bag @De Quiltster but finished on my own 
thanks to Marcha's instructions and an online Youtube film by @MisterDomestic

April 2020: Start of Pervenche-des-Toiles quilt by France Aubert (as seen in Quiltmania nr. 136)
I plan on doing a quilt of 5x5 blocks (instead of the 4x4)

May 2020 start of Ocean Point by Anne Varley as seen in Quiltmania nr. 132

July 2020: cutting of all the pieces and start on Mary Gibbs 1812 
by Christopher Wilson Tate - pattern sold by Quiltmania

August 2020: non quilting - start on 4 seasons cross stitch sampler by Marjolein Bastin / Lanarte 
on Lugana - one over one (had to redo the whole thing as I miscounted and wouldn't have enough fabric - only 1,5 cm - left at the bottom of the sampler)

October 2020: humble beginning on "Quilts in the Shearing Shed" by Brigitte Giblin
(as seen in her third Feathering the Nest book)

December 2020 - January 2021: start (and almost finish) of an origami quilted Christmas tree

March - April 2021: start and finish of the Jane Austen quilt by Riley Blake
(authentic reproduction of the quilt made by Jane Austen as seen in the museum)

April 2021: start and WIP "Treasures from the Scrapbin" by Sharon Keightley 
as seen in her book

June 2021: made 4 project bags using instructions of YouTube film by Jenn Crafts
(first time sewing with vinyl)

June 2021: holiday prepping for Stars-a-Day quilt (cutting fabrics).

N.B.: pictures were all taken from my Instagram account

Conslusion: lots of starts in 2020 ... not so many finishes ;-)! 
I can truly say that quilting has again become an important part of my spare time after re-discovering it after a long hiatus and cross stitch has been way less because there's unfortunately only a couple hours a day/week to spend on hobbies and crafts..

If you want to know more about my exploits the last couple of years, you can always head over to my other account ;-). 

See you soon here or there ;-)!


Annemiek said…
Jammer dat je je blog niet meer bij houdt. Ik heb met veel plezier rondgekeken en gelezen!

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