Fun stitches (LHN and CCN)

I'm so into "wintry designs" for the moment!

As you might have noticed I love quite some designs from Little House Needleworks and Country Cottage Needleworks.

LHN's new releases:

CCN's second house of the Santa Village was on her blog today ... I can't wait for my materials to arrive!

1st and second house

Another lovely winter design

Have a nice weekend!


Grit said…
Your stitching looks fantastic. I love all this lovely winter houses.
Liebe Grüße Grit
♥ Nia said…
I love silent night and also the first 2 by CNN :)
Hope to see your start soon!!! :D
Michelle said…
Such beautiful selections for Winter stitching!
Brigitte said…
Oh yes, it's quite obvious that you love CNN's wintry designs, lol. But I have to admit that they are all so pretty that it's nearly impossible not to love them.
Dani - tkdchick said…
Those look fun and I love how colurful the last three are!
Carol said…
Really love all of these, too, Ann! I look forward to watching your progress on Santa Village :)
De borduurvrouw said…
Hoi Ann,

Het schellekoord van Clara Weaver is voor jou als je het nog hebben wilt voor je vriendin. Mail me op deborduurvrouw at dan stuur ik het naar je op. Groeten, Nienke
Willy said…
Aansluitend bij deze mooie borduurwerken wil ik jou hele fijne kerstdagen toewensen. Groetjes,

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