Liebster Award

Hi all,

Thank you all for your kind comments on my last ornament. They were highly appreciated!
I adored stitching the leprechaun ornament because it is colourfull (I just adore colours in a design - the more the better :-) and I'm longing for Spring/Summer!

Another great news is that I was given a Liebster Award by Emma. Thanks so much dear! You've brightened up my weekend :-)

11 facts about me:
1.  I started stitching/crafting early. I think I was 7 or 8 years old when we learned at school and I've never stopped since then (I still have my first embroidered pouch)!
2. Blonde is my natural haircolour but that doesn't mean that I'm stupid (I can even laugh with all those jokes out there) :-)!
3. I'm most at my ease in "pants" and don't fancy skirts a lot. I can't even imagine to have lived before the 30's when they were forbidden to girls/ladies!
4. Don't you never, ever try to feed me intestines (liver, heart, lungs, kidneys etc ...)! Even when it's in a posh restaurant and supposed to be "chique"!
5. I love baking and cooking and often try something new - with different degrees of success.
6. I'm not often angry (it takes a lot before I explode but when it does ...).
7. What's that "stress"? I try to stay zen (try ;-).
8. I would've liked to learn to ride a motorcycle but my grandparents were against it (now I 've only got a "normal" driver's licence).
9. Shouldn't I've met my husband right after college I woul've lived abroad (USA I think) - "other" cultures always intrigued me.
10. I like orchids but somehow I can't make them reflower - hence I don't buy them anymore.
11. I don't smoke and never did!

One of the things you have to do is to pass this award 11 others who don't have 200 followers yet. Ouch, this is difficult because there are so many lovely and talented ladies in different craft areas :-)! So here it goes (and although you're not in this list ... I love you all):
1. Gio at Giovanna's Stitches (I don't know how many followers she has :-)
2. Theresa at Octoberlace's Stitching Notes
3. Anne at Tempus Fugit
4. Narita at The Twilight Thread
5. Nia at Caixinha di Pirlimpimpim (Little box of Pixie Dust :-)
6. Amy at Thread in Hand
7. Elza at Elza Borduur
8. Yvon at Jioya's World
9. Manuela from Manuela's Flowergarden
10. Françoise at Les Petites xxx et Cie
11. Tanya at Taniwa

Edited to add my questions for the Liebster blog winners :-)
1. What would be your favourite hobby if you wouldn't be stitching (cross stitch, quilting, ...) ?
2. How many craft project do you have on the go and what's your favourite (for the moment)?
3. Is there a craft you would like to try?
4. When did you start crafting and do you still have early proof :-)?
5. What do you love about blogging/internet?
6. What would be a perfect day for you?
7. What has been the longest/most far (?) trip you've made and where did you go?
8. Who's your role model
9. Cat or dog?
10. Your favourite colour?

You don't need to answer all the questions :-)

Another thing ... answer a couple of questions yourself. So here it goes:

1. Do you have a favourite craft? If so, what is it?
Easy peasy ... stitching of course!!! The most difficult thing is to chose which design (so many things so little time :-)

2. What is your favourite colour?
Without any hesitation ... red!

3. How many craft projects do you have on the go?
Blushing over here ... to many to even start mentionning. I'm a serial starter but not a great finisher :-)

4. Do you prefer a relaxing or an activity holiday?
Both ... I'm not a big "sporty" person (unfortunatelly) so I do everything at my own pace and rhythm. However, I'm not the type to stay a whole day in the sun at the brim of a swimming pool. I want to visit and discover things!

5. Is there a craft you haven't yet tried but would like to?
Knitting was on this list, but I took some courses recently (not an expert yet).
Another thing I would like to do is fimo (better known as polymer clay in english). I would love to make some Christmas/Easter figures and lovely necklaces with it - return to childhood memories when we used to play with plasticine :-)

6. Is there a piece of crafty advice that you whish you'd known when starting out?
Not really because I already had a good base at home (my mom, grandmother and great-grandmother always practiced some kind of craft = knitting, crocheting, lace making, embroidering etc.).
I'm also the type of girl who likes to read thouroughly about a craft before venturing out (if there isn't anyone in the neighbourhood that can show me).

So that's it for now!


♥ Nia said…
Congrats on your award :) It's so fun to read a little more about you! thank you for sharing :D
And thank you for thinking of me too =) so sweet of you! but I do have more than 200 followers, I don't fit the rules ehehhe
Have a great day sweetie! I hope you're having better weather, here we are under rain, winter rain! =/
hugs to you!!
~Narita said…
Oh Ann! I only just saw that you gave me this award. Hmmmmmm Now I must do some homework. lol
I enjoyed reading more about you :)

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