New releases - Renato Parolin

Yesterday I saw that one of my alltime favourite designers - Renato Parolin - released a new batch of designs.

Here they are:

Dolcetto Scherzetto - my favourite!
Anterselva di Mezzo

Colle Santa Lucia

Rovere della Luna
Neve & Neve   -   Di buon Auspicio

Nel Bosco   -   Doni di Natale

Aubépine    -   Houx (Agrifolio)
 Sorbier (Sorbo)

Quanta Bellezza   -   Rossi Ballochi
Dans les fleurs   -   Jeux de fleurs
(could be used for the SAL "Randje per week" :-)
There are a couple of other ones but I like these best! I have admired them all and would immediately buy them but ... I already have quite some of his designs and I need to stitch a couple of them before I give in ;-)

Are you tempted? Or even better ... stitching one?


I ordered Anterselva di Mezzo and am currently working on his Noel. I love his stuff! I did the Easter tree earlier this year!

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