And the name is ...?

Hi all,

Thanks for all your sweet comments on my last post and sorry if I didn't respond to them. My life is a little bit hectic - nothing serious neither but just full - for the moment (hence my limited number of posts) but I hope that things will calm down for this and next month.

I went to my second quilt course last Thursday and we had some chatter and exchanged information. Our teacher told us we should start thinking about a name for our quilt. Well ... I've already thought about it but didn't find one yet :-)

This weekend I was able to finish my first block and it is a labour of love I must tell ya! It takes like forever to stitch everythink together - especially the last rows with all those intersections. I want to make nine blocks in total with borders and a small square in between (although I still don't know which two colours I'll be using - neither backing fabric).

The block isn't ironed yet and I'm not sure if I'm totally satisfied with the final outcome - although I spent extra attention to the "points". What do you think?

On the stitching front I did finish a couple of other Santas. I had the question whether or not I was going to finish them into a bell pull (because of the narrow strip of linnen on which I'm embroidering - but that was just a lucky find and perfect for small ornaments).
The answer is no. The santas will be finished into ornaments to hang on the tree or chimney with some piping in between. This will be my first try on ornament finishing and piping, so it can be that I change my mind if it becomes too difficult and that I'll use ricrac or something else ... We'll see :-)

I did put my Serengeti Mandala garden on scroll rods this weekend, but I think that I'll be undoing this again. I'm so used to "in hand stitching" that I don't seem to find a comfortable position to stitch. Maybe I should persevere but for the moment I'm not really into stitching on this big garden neither.
Have a nice day and hope we'll still have some nice weather the coming weeks (I'm still not ready for that yucky Fall or Winter weather)!


Giovanna said…
Your Santas are so cute. I think your patchwork looks great, but I'm no expert at all... it does look like lots of work :-)
Isabelle said…
Hello Ann, tes pères Noël sont bien jolis et bravo pour ce bloc de patch:)
Très belle semaine ,
Bisous d' Isa
Joysze said…
Oooh, the quilt is looking great, Ann!! :D

Can't wait to see those Santa ornies and YAY!!! Serengeti!!!!!!!
Unknown said…
Je quilt blok ziet er mooi uit, leuke kleuren zo bij elkaar.
Succes met het volgende blok!
de kerstmannetjes zijn ook heel mooi, ben benieuwed hoe het uiteindelijk zal gaan worden, ik heb het ook nog niet geprobeerd met piping.
Ik weet wel dat er in de Cross Stitcher regelmatig uitleg over staat.

Succes met alles,

Groetjes Yvon.
Carol said…
Hmmm...what to name your quilt? I'll look forward to hearing what you've picked, Ann! It looks very pretty and I love your newest Santas! Good luck with the finishing--I'm sure they'll look great :) I'm an in-hand stitcher, too--just can't bear hoops or frames of any kind!
♥ Nia said…
Great progress on your Santas :D Looking pretty!!
Dani - tkdchick said…
Those santas are just lovely!!!

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