New baby!

Hi all,

As already said I was expecting a new baby ... in the mechanical sense that is! ;-) LOL!!!

I already spotted her when I was at the Belgian coast for a really interesting price .... but because we were with our bikes I didn't take her with me. Afterwards it kept nagging and I found another "her" on a Dutch site. After bidding (and winning) I became the happy owner of a lovely new-old girl ;-)

Let's have a look:

Still curious? Let's have another peak ...those who are familiar with this item will already know what's in it after viewing the next picture ...

Let's open the lid:

Take a look down ...

Ladies (and gents) may I present you my new precious jewel ... A Singer Featherweight from 1951 (previously owned by an American/Indonesian lady that lived in the Netherlands for a big part of her life)!

Ah ... I think I'll enjoy working with this nifty little thing ... Now to figure out the "how to's" because she's different from those modern machines.

Hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures!

Have a nice day!

P.S.: For those wondering what that yellow is ... I took the piccies outside (better lighting this morning) and had my photo session around and on my daughters play table :-)


Unknown said…
het ziet er goed uit, leuk om mee te gaan werken denk ik zo.

je huisjes worden mooi, ik loop heel erg achter maar zal wel een poging gaan wagen om er nog een stel af te krijgen voor de kerst.

groetjes Yvon.

ps Pintrest is echt leuk!!!
♥ Nia said…
Oh my! That's precious!!!! :D
And it works perfectly? Let us know how it's going your nursery time ;) heheheh
Giovanna said…
Very cool! Congrats on the find.
Deb said…
Beautiful machine! Hang on to her. The older machines can just about sew through metal. The new computerized, well... You can pull a seam out with be tug of a string... Great find!
Carol said…
What a lovely machine!! I got my grandmother's old Singer, too--they are such treasures...

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