Quilt course

Yessssss! Yesterday I went to a quilt course given by a nice young lady!

I wasn't completely new at it because I already followed a course together with my mom ... but now we talk of something at least 12 years ago ... so you can understand I wanted to refresh my knowledge a little bit! ;-)

Ellie gave us a small introduction to the history of quilting and then we started to scetch two blocks : a friendship star and a Ohio star. After that we proceeded with drawing our templates for cutting our fabric. No big deal ... but then the fun part started = stitching everything together :-)

Here's an impression of our table halfway our course (look at that lovely pincushion in front of the table)

It was fun but practice is needed in order to become an experienced quilter :-) I count on Ellie to give a couple of other courses in the near future in order to obtain this goal (round forms and how to quilt everything together).

Ellie quilts now for about 16 years (she started when she was 10) and has made something like 90 to 100 quilts according to her estimation - ranging from small to big ... amazing isn't it? Here's an impression of the quilts that were on display at Ellie's home :

Ellie I had lots of fun and hope to see you soon again!


Julie said…
Those quilts are just lovely.
Isabelle said…
I think it is always great to take classes with quilters : we have always something new to learn :-)
This display of quilts is just beautiful !
Have a nice Sunday,
Hoi Ann,
ik heb nu ook je plekje op het www gevonden ;o)
Ik vond het super gezellig afgelopen zaterdag. Jullie hebben allemaal keurig gewerkt en het is zo leuk om ieders (verschillende) stofkeuze te zien. Ik hoop dat je kennis weer goed opgefrist is en dat je blokken een mooie loper gaan worden.
De andere cursussen komen zeker weer op het programma te staan, dus hopelijk zien we elkaar later dit jaar opnieuw!
♥ Nia said…
That sounds fun! :D
Beautidul works, all amazing pieces!

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