Stitching progress

Time to talk a little bit about my stitching of the last couple of weeks ... which goes up and down like the weather ;-) The one time I feel like stitching all day (unfortunatelly one has to work to earn a living :-) and the other time I don't even pick up my needle for two or three days (shame on me)!

However, I can tell you that I did quite some "crosses" during my stay at our Belgian coast (thanks to the not so great weather)!

Look what I've done so far. On a small side note ... those medallions are a PITA! All those quarter stitches and all those colour changes. It took me three days (okay not entirely) to stitch those four bas*****! :-) But I must say that the result is super-duper!

I can't wait to have part two finished (hopefully in time before part three comes out)!


♥ Nia said…
Looking beautiful :)
Diane (di) said…
Oh, they are beautiful (and yes indeed a PITA)! lol Soo worth it when you are done though. I'm cheering you on big time...

go Ann, go Ann!!! :)
Anne said…
Oooh so pretty and sparkly! I feel like I'm there in Africa!! I would be irritated trying to do 1/4 stitches!!
miek said…
het spijt me te moeten zeggen, maar ik vind dat je nog maar wat slecht weer moet hebben!;-)
je schiet zo lekker op, en het wordt fantastisch mooi, echt geweldig!
Joysze said…
Oooooh Ann!!!!! So beautiful. :D

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