New toy

June ... already!

The reason for not posting over a week is/was triple :

1st - finally some good weather arrived over here and I've been living more outdoors than indoors (hence not much computer time for me)

2nd - last Sunday (2nd of June) marked the beginning of the sunnier period but still with lots of wind. Guess what ... I "caught" myself an angina - infected throat (I recognised the signs because this was the 5th or 6th time I had it).

3rd - the reason of my blog post title :-) I received something I was lusting for quite some time from my hubby = a tablet. Not one of those fancy yet pricey brands but something that will do for my requirements (reading my mail online, checking out blogs and playing around :-).

Stitching wise I didn't produce a lot of things because I NEED to finish my daughter's dresses. In the meanwhile I've made some good progress. Sunday 2nd I finished the first dress and now I'm already on the second part of the second dress ... are you still following? ;-)

Now there's a funny story about that dress .... I started to knit this one for my eldest daughter aged 7 and I took a pattern for an 8-year old. Once assembled it was too short in my opinion ... but it fits marvelously for my 5-year old!

So instead of knitting a smaller dress, I'm making a bigger one (took the pattern for a 10-year old). I also had to buy another skein/ball (?)

You see ... I'm quite occupied for the moment! The deadline I've given myself is end of June to finish the second dress + sleeves on both dresses (if I'm short in time, the sleeves will be put on afterwards :-).

I also want to continue my both Halloween cross stitch pieces (Trio of Witches and Sleepy Hollow) soooo badly!!! And I have a new Christmas project in mind - no make that two! I'll write about it in my next post :-)!


Giovanna said…
Congrats on the new toy :-) And on finishing the first dress. I hope you're feeling better now.
♥ Nia said…
Congrats on your new toy! :D
Hope you're feeling better now, here the weather had been crazy! hot and cold and hot again.. and so on :p Crazy Spring!!
Enjoy your time outdoors!! :D
Unknown said…
GREAT GIFT.. I know you will enjoy it.
wat 'n SCHATTIG jurkje..
mooi gemaakt :-) !
De borduurvrouw said…
Heerlijk he het zomerweer, heb er ook zo van genoten. Veel plezier met je nieuwe tablet (leuk!) en je jurkje is schattig. Succes met nr. 2. Groetjes, Nienke

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