Busy bee!

Hi my lovelies! I had a busy week and weekend hence almost no updates the last week :-(

First of all I would like to show you my progress on Serengeti mandala (part 4) which is all but finalised :-)! I'm now starting to realise how big it will get ... there are three panels that have to be stitched yet followed by flowers, trees, medallions and a huge border! Trying to keep up means I won't have time for stitching other things untill this one is finished (which should be February 2013 :-)!

I did obtain two snowglobes for both my daughters in which you can insert a picture. Of course, being a stitcher this means a stitched piece in over-one crosses! I'm thinking on stitching the new TraLaLa - Jardin de Roses :-) Once with a pink dress for my eldest and once with a purple or lilac or blue dress for my youngest!

Another thing why I was so busy this weekend! I did some baking ... don't know why but the last couple of weeks I feel like using my oven and making sweet (therefore not healthy) things! ;-). I tried a recipe that Wilma posted on her blog of a delicious apple pie (I can always translate from Dutch into English if you're interested) You should really check out her blog because she has quite some lovely quilts - finished and in the making!

Instead of putting the apples horizontal you have to
cut them in eight pieces and insert them vertically!

Yesterday (Sunday) we also had the Annual School Day :-) Each year all the parents and children are invited to come together and celebrate somewhere in the month of May (and the almost ending of the school year, before examinations begin ... this isn't for my little ones - yet). Each class performs and sings so you can understand the exitement of our children! There's a small fancy fair, a couple of "bouncy castles", kids make-up, funny bikes, ... And the weather cooperated as well!

That same day we also had Mother's Day (in our part of the country - in the other part it is celebrated in July or August ... but that isn't the "official one" ;-)

Have a nice week! We have a long weekend this week (Thursday to Sunday) which I shall be using to advance a little bit more on my Serengeti stitching!


Anonymous said…

Just found your lovely blog.

Your WIP is stunning!

A great idea for the snow globes, they will be very pretty.

Your baking looks delicious.

Happy stitching!
Julie said…
Serengeti is coming along.
The snow globes are a good idea.
miek said…
ik vind je werk geweldig, ik weet dat het zeer gedetailleerd is en fijntjes dus heb nog meer respect voor jou en je werk.
Carol said…
Oh, Ann, your Serengeti mandala is just stunning--what a work of art! I can't imagine doing anything that intricate...

The little snow globes will be adorable--what a great idea. And oh, my, your pie looks delectable. What an interesting way to lay the apple slices!

Enjoy your week :)
♥ Nia said…
Good progress on your mandala! And that Tralala design that you picked is so pretty!! Nice choice ;)
I've never seen a pie like that, looks yummy :p heheheh I bet it was delicious :D
Anne said…
Love Serengeti! You've made great progress! Those snowglobes are so sweet!! Mmm, that apple pie looks amazing!

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