Finished third page and starting another piece

On Tuesday evening I had the time to stitch a couple of hours and I succeeded in finishing the third page of HAED Revelations. I'm planning to go down instead of to the right and hope to start page 8 this evening (I've already stitched pages 1, 2 and 7 ... see previous post why).

As on the Serengeti mandala front ... I've already printed the materials list and keys, cut my piece of Lambswool linnen which is quite big at a respectable 90cm x 90cm (including 12cm of borders), sorted my DMC threads and ordered the rest of the kit with the European Cross Stitch Company :-). Now it's only Martina that has to release the first part!

Edited to add pictures...


Joysze said…
Yay in finishing page 2. Serengeti.... Here we come!!!!!! :D

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