Small new start

I got a little bit tired just stitching on large pieces. As I'm waiting for the Serengeti mandala to start on March 1st, I decided to stitch on a small "cushion".

Remember this booklet ... Well I started on the pincushion yesterday (Sunday).

Not bad for just a couple of hours of stitching I think.

I'll keep you posted!


Joysze said…
Ooh, great start, Ann. :D
Miss T. said…
Oh Ann, deze is prachtig!!! Donderdag in 't Gaerenhuys hadden ze die niet want de meeste spullen lagen op de beurs te Kortrijk. Vorig jaar 'merry christmas' besteld via de Standard Boekhandel & gewoon 2.5 maand mogen wachten op mijn bestelling. Ik ben benieuwd naar uw resultaat, ziet er zo mooi uit!!!!!!

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