We've beaten our own record!

Our previous record dates from the 10th of February 2010 when we had 948km (590 miles) of traffic congestions because of snow (on a normal and average working day this is around 220km).

Sadly enough we've beaten our own record today ... 1.275 km (793 miles) of traffic jams in total - 4.083 km  (2.537 miles) including secondary and smaller roads!!! When you consider that Belgium is only 30.528 km² (11.786 square miles), you know that we had our fair share today! For me it took an extra hour to get home, but I was one of the lucky ones ... On lots of places traffic was totally blocked!!!

For almost a week now, temperatures are cold ... -10°C (14F). And next week will be as cold as this one! I can only hope that we won't have new snowfall!

Our northern neighbours (Holland) are experiencing the same problems = lots of snow and traffic totally blocked. But there they are starting to dream because of all that freezing cold ... they hope on having another "Eleven cities Tour", which can only be held when all the natural waterways are frozen solid! :-)

The tour, almost 200 km in length, is conducted on frozen canals, rivers and lakes between the eleven historic Frisian cities: Leeuwarden, Sneek, IJlst, Sloten, Stavoren, Hindeloopen, Workum, Bolsward, Harlingen, Franeker, Dokkum then returning to Leeuwarden. The tour is not held every year, mostly because not every Dutch winter permits skating on natural ice. The last editions were in 1985, 1986 and 1997. Adding to that, the tour currently features about 15,000 amateur skaters taking part, putting high requirements on the quality of the ice. There is a stated regulatory requirement for the race to take place that the ice must be (and remain at) a minimum thickness of 15 centimetres along the entirety of the course. All skaters must be a member of the Association of the Eleven Frisian Cities. A starting permit is required. Further more, in each city the skater must collect a stamp, as well as a stamp from the three secret check points. The skater must finish before midnight.
(extract taken from the English Wikipedia).

Keep warm, keep well and be safe!


♥ Nia said…
You're right, you're right! I have to think more about Easter already ;) hahahhaa

Here we're having the lowest temperatures too =/ but-4ºC is already too cold for me! I can't even imagine your -10ºC :p
I feel like turning into a penguin! LOL

Stay warm and enjoy your weekend :)
hugs to you
Ik heb juist gezien dat ze voor deze nacht nog wat sneeuw verwachten. Hopelijk niet teveel en als er goed gestrooid wordt moet het verkeer er niet teveel last van hebben. Wat ik wel fijn vind is dat de sneeuw naast de wegen blijft liggen. Zo kun je toch naar buiten, én van de witte wereld genieten.

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