Favourite desingners - French ones

Okay ... I didn't put their names in my title, because I have quite some favourite French designers.


Ah, where do you begin to describe a talent as Isabelle? She's a very prolific designer. Is the author of 5 books and has already realeased numerous charts.

I don't have "grilles" from her, but I've purchased two of her books. We'll have a look inside shall we?

And the second one:


When visiting the "L'Aiguillen en Fête" fair in Paris a couple of years ago, I met Jackey the designer. She has lots of different stitching goodies which include quaker, mongram, ABC, samplers, angel, Halloween, Christmas, ...

I really like her Quaker and Christmas section ... Just have a look, you'll be surprised!

Arbre aux oiseaux

C'était en Décembre

Greetings Halloween

Le temps qui passe

Maisons et nichoirs

Noël (2009)

TRALALA (Corinne Rigaudeau)

Has a naive style but very sweet, cheerfull and colourfull! I think these designs lend themself for different things like ornaments (tree, doorknob, ....) or for using as an accent to a box, stitching etui and other items fit for daily use.

I only have four small charts, but these won't be the last ones ...

Moutons printemps - été

Moutons automne  - hiver

 And I'm tempted by:
Gardienne de chats

Gardienne de poules

Jour de ceuilette

Dans mon potager

La demoiselle d'Halloween

ABC Noël

Probably the least known (I stumbled upon his site after seeing one of his designs on a French embroiderer's blog).

He offers his charts on a website at interesting prices.
I've got the impression that he doesn't do much publicity, but one thing is for sure ... you'll discover a real treasure chest on entering his site!. There are hundreds of patterns and I'm sure everyone will find something to her/his liking.

There are other designers I didn't treat, but who are also worthwile = Atalie, Bleu de Chine, C mon Monde, Savoir-Faire Vailly, Tournicoton, ... Their links are in my sidebar

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