
Sometimes I visit blogs where I'm impressed with the talent and creativity of stitchers and what they make from things that are old and sometimes in a bad shape. Sooo ... I've decided to search and try to make such things all for me, myself and I:-).

Here are the projects I'm planning to "beautify" ;-)

Two "letterboxes" I've bought this week Wednesday. They still need sanding and a new layer of paint. After that I plan stitching letters and small designs and insert them in the boxes ... although I still haven't any clue which designs :-). I think it should be fun having one normal that's kept the same all through the year and another one that can be changed according to the seasons (Valentine, Easter, Halloween, Christmas and NewYear, ...).

Inspiration came from:

    Celani                                                    Petitescroix 01

    Zephyr and co                                        Ktia

    Yakafaire                                               Ladieboop


Second thing I'm planning on doing is repurposing an old sewing box.

Same thing with this oldie that's from around 1920 ... Sanding, a new layer of paint and then some cross stitch designs in the interior or just a new layer of fabric, or the two. I'm still indecided :-)


      Mamicoco                                           Argone

     Sakartonn                                            Les tresors de Phinel

    (two boxes from Phine as well)

 If you want to have more eye candy, you can find many beautifull examples in google. Just type "casiers d'imprimeur" and "travailleuse relookée" for the French sites and "sewing box/basket" for the English ones (I didn't find a lot in the "printer boxes" department :-). After that you click on images ... enjoy! 

Thanks for looking!


Joysze said…
Oooh!!! I can't wait to see yours all decked out. :D
Karen said…
I have grand plans for my printer's tray, one of these days! I keep collecting alphabets that I find :) In the meantime, I will watch YOURS come together :)

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