Happy New Year and a blog at last

Hi all,

After long consideration, I've finally decided to start an own blog.

The only thing I'm worried about is whether I'll have enough to write about (and that my English spelling isn't too lousy).

I wish you all a creative, happy, prosperous - and very important STITCHY - 2012!!!



Joysze said…
Hi, Ann!! Welcome to the blogging world!! :D Your English is perfect and I'm looking forward to reading your posts. :D

Your Christmas trees are beautiful.

Happy New Year!
Joysze said…
Hi, it's me again. :) I tried to reply to your comment on my blog but there wasnt an email for you. If you'd like to hear from other bloggers, this is how you'd make the option available:

Also, may I suggest that you make your comment form a pop up window? It makes leaving comments much quicker and easier..
Joysze said…
Hi, one more time, Ann. LOL!!!! I'm sorry I'm replying here again....

I haven't started Butterfly yet. It's supposed to be started today, but I just woke up, and I'd like to finish just a couple more colors on Chinese. But hopefully by tonight, I'll have my first stitches in for butterfly. :D
♥ Nia said…
Welcome to the blogosphere!!!
Happy 2012!!! :D

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